
Dear Friends,

Welcome to the official website for the County of Bergen. We hope you will use this online platform to learn more about the programs, services and resources we have to help improve the quality of life for you and your family.

Bergen County is home to nearly one million residents and has an affordable tax base for families and businesses. We have more than 9,000 acres of parks, five world-class golf courses, a world class zoo, horseback riding, skiing, camping, hiking, swimming, concerts and movies in the park, Winter Wonderland and five outstanding colleges. We also have MetLife Stadium and the Meadowlands, home to the Giants, the Jets, horseracing, and a wide variety of concerts and entertainment.

The County of Bergen is a truly unique and dynamic place. Thank you for wanting to learn more about Bergen County and visiting our website. This is a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family. If you should ever need anything, please feel free to reach out to me and my staff. We are always here to help.

James J. Tedesco III
Bergen County Executive

Contact Us

James Tedesco III

County Executive
Email: countyexecutive@bergencountynj.gov

Craig Dorsett

Chief of Staff
Email: cdorsett@bergencountynj.gov

Breanne Pellicano

Executive Assistant
Email: bpellicano@bergencountynj.gov

Bergen County Executive

One Bergen County Plaza • 5th Floor, Rm 580 • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076
Phone: 201-336-7300

Media Inquiry

County Departments and Divisions:
Amanda Karpinski, Public Information Officer

County Executive’s Office:
Derek Sands, Deputy Chief of Staff