Information and Assistance

Bergen County, Division of Senior Services/ADRC Information & Assistance/Care Management Unit serves as the County’s central source of information and services for older adults, caregivers, and those over the age of 18 with a disability. Under the guidelines of Bergen Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC), program helps older adults and their caregivers to access necessary services.
Resources we can help you find:
- Financial assistance
- Aging-in-place and other long-term care options
- Housing information including home modifications and repairs
- Transportation
- Caregiver information and support
- Health, wellness, nutrition
- Legal, advocacy, and keeping adults safe
- Employment and volunteer opportunities
- Social activities
- Tax relief and services
- And more!
Services we offer:
- Information about programs and services
- Benefits counseling and referrals
- Assistance filling out forms and applying for benefits
- Medicare counseling including Medicare Savings Programs
- Access to publicly funded long-term care programs
- Wellness Check program
- Care Management referral and coordination