Division of Land Management

The Division of Land Management is dedicated to protecting and providing additional open spaces and maintaining and enhancing the quality and degree of open space throughout Bergen County.

Open Space can take many forms, including parks, forests, greenways, wetlands, and farms. Open space provides various functions such as a habitat for various plant and animal life, an environmental filter for bodies of drinking water, and a place for enjoyment of outdoor recreation activities. The Division of Land Management includes the following sections:

Please see notices of meetings and agendas below:    

Contact Us

Ken Aloisio

Trust Fund Executive Director
Phone: 201-336-6454
Email: kaloisio@bergencountynj.gov

Nancy Witkowski

Phone: 201-336-7255
Email: nwitkowski@bergencountynj.gov

Bergen County Department of Parks

One Bergen County Plaza • 4th Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076
Phone: 201-336-7275