Projects Nearing Public Bid Phase

Demarest – County Road and Hardenburgh Avenue

The existing traffic signal at this location will be fully replaced. A northbound left turn phase, eastbound right turn phase, and corresponding arrows, will be implemented. Backplates will be installed on the traffic signal heads. The width of the roadways and the lane designations will remain the same. Pedestrian upgrades will include newly constructed ADA compliant ramps and truncated dome mats, count down pedestrian signal heads, audible pedestrian pushbuttons and 10’ wide painted crosswalks. Both roadways within the project limits will be milled and paved with new striping and signage installed.

Little Ferry – Liberty Street and Redneck Avenue

The existing temporary span wire traffic signal will be replaced with a permanent traffic signal. Opposing left turn lanes with left turn phases and arrows will be implemented on Liberty Street northbound and southbound. A right turn lane will be implemented on southbound Liberty Street. A left turn lane and through/right lane will be implemented on eastbound Redneck Avenue. The existing drainage system will be replaced with reinforced concrete pipes. Pedestrian upgrades will include newly constructed ADA compliant ramps and truncated dome mats, count down pedestrian signal heads, audible pedestrian pushbuttons and 10’ wide painted crosswalks. Both roadways within the project limits will be milled and paved with new striping and signage installed.