Bergen County Clean Communities Program
The Office of Environmental Health (OEH) enforces environmental and public health laws that protect natural resources and promote health and safety within Bergen County.
New Jersey Clean Communities is a state-wide, community-driven effort to reduce litter in NJ. The program identifies litter problems and determines appropriate solutions.
The Bergen County Department of Health Services has been involved with the Clean Communities Program for the past 16 years.
The three-prong approach used in the program includes:
- Litter Pick up and Removal
- Enforcement of Litter Abatement Ordinances
- Public Education and Outreach
Why Care
Litter is:
- A health hazard – When allowed to accumulate, it provides a breeding place for disease-carrying insects and rodents.
- Harmful to wildlife, fish, and plant life.
- Unsightly – People who litter show a lack of pride in their community and in themselves.
- Hazardous – Broken glass and other sharp objects which litter our environment can cause injuries
- A fire hazard
- Costly to taxpayers – phenomenal amounts of money each year in associated clean-up costs, interferes with our enjoyment of public places and lowers our quality of lives.
Make a Difference
- Keep your own property litter-free
- Encourage officials to provide enough receptacles for pedestrian and motorist litter
- Get involved with your local clean communities program
- Apply for a Bergen County Clean Communities Mini Grant
- Help spread the anti-litter message