Our Survivor Services

Alternatives to Domestic Violence (ADV) is a division of the Bergen County Department of Human Services, which is exclusively devoted to domestic violence prevention and intervention.

We provide free and confidential services to all residents of Bergen County who are searching for education and support with regards to the health of their relationships. We center survivors and their visions for healthy and safe relationships at the heart of our service programs and invite clients to partner with our professionally trained staff in determining what assistance or supports are a best fit for you at this time. We do our best to offer an array of options and experiences that are specially designed to provide support to persons at different stages of their healing journeys.

All services are accessible by calling our 24/7 Crisis Hotline: 201-336-7575 and are available both in-person and virtually through secure ZOOM video calls. To learn more about each service, click on them below.

Many of our services are readily available in English, Spanish, and Korean. For all other languages, interpretation services are available to better assist you.

Muchos de nuestros servicios están disponibles en inglés, español y coreano. Para todos los demás idiomas, los servicios de interpretación están disponibles para ayudarlos mejor.

많은 서비스가 영어, 스페인어 및 한국어로 제공됩니다. 다른 모든 언어의 경우 더 나은 지원을 위해 통역 서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다.

Youth Empowerment Services (YEP)

ADV recognizes that our teens and youth need special support in navigating turbulent transitions, confusing messages about relationships, and positive healing processes from harmful experiences of both dating abuse and family conflict.

Our newly launched Youth Empowerment Services creatively connect Bergen County youth, ages 14-21, to quality services that raise awareness about abusive behaviors in different types of relationships. All services are free and confidential.

Our Community Partners & Common Referrals

Are you in need of assistance not seen here?

ADV works in collaboration with community partners and providers servicing the Bergen County area to link survivors of intimate partner violence to a wide range of supports.

For an extensive list of Bergen County resources and referrals, please see our Community Resource Guide on the Resources tab.

Are you a Provider/Advocate Interested in Making a Referral?

ADV is continuously looking to work in partnership with community advocates and providers to connect clients in need to our services. We are also here as a resource for both you and your clients by providing additional education about intimate partner violence, our services, and community resources.

To ensure clients receive our quick attention, ADV has developed a streamlined referral process for clients and those supporting them through the following options:

If the client is amenable, providers and advocates are able to contact the ADV 24/7 hotline and speak to one of our counselors with the client or collect information on the client’s behalf.

Alternatively, advocates and providers can submit demographic and basic information about the client through a HIPAA-compliant form to help us work collaboratively towards client goals. If clients are amenable, ADV staff will contact them (or the referring advocate) within 24 hours.

Contact Us

Marisa Heluk


Division of Alternatives to Domestic Violence

One Bergen County Plaza  • 2nd Floor • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076
Email: ADV@bergencountynj.gov
24-hour Crisis Hotline: 201-336-7575 • Fax: 201-336-7555

Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.