Challenger Applications

Candidates or campaigns that wish to appoint challengers must submit a Challenger Request Form. Pursuant to NJ Statute 19:7-3, the Challenger Request Form must be filed two weeks prior to the election. 

All challengers must be registered to vote within Bergen County.

Filing a Challenger Application

  1. Print, fill out, and submit a Challenger Request Form
  2. Send the form one of the following ways:
    • Fax to: 201-336-6242
    • Mail to: 
      Bergen County Board of Elections
      One Bergen County Plaza
      Room 310
      Hackensack, NJ 07601

What a Challenger Can Do

  • Challengers must be seated near the board workers so that they may hear the names of the voters being processed.
  • Challengers can write down the names and address of voters.
  • Challengers can challenge a voter. This process must be done in accordance with state and federal laws.
  • Challengers may request the public counter numbers on the voting machine from the board workers. The board workers can give this information to the challengers provided they are not busy with voters or their other duties.
  • Challengers can be present at the close of the polls to witness the opening of the voting machines and hear the unofficial vote totals.

What a Challenger Cannot Do 

  • Challengers cannot address the voters. They must inform the board workers when they wish to initiate a challenge.
  • Challengers cannot challenge a voter based on Their race, sex, creed, ethnic origin, How they think they might vote, The fact they live in a particular ward, housing complex or section of a municipality or county.
  • Challengers cannot stand behind the election tables or go near the voting machines.
  • Challengers cannot look over the shoulders of or sit with the board workers.
  • Challengers cannot touch the voting machines or registration books.
  • Challengers cannot use cellphones, blackberries, iPhones, laptops or any other electronic/wireless communicating device while in the polling location.
  • Challengers cannot wear any partisan/political buttons, pins, hats, clothing, signs, etc while in the polling location. They can only be identified by the county-issued badge and permit.
  • Challengers cannot campaign in the polling location.
  • Challengers cannot disturb the quiet and business-like atmosphere of the polling location.
  • Challengers cannot harass or intimidate any voters.

Contact Us

Richard L. Miller

Chairman/Commissioner (R)

Denise Ross

Secretary/Commissioner (D)

Margaret E. Frontera

Commissioner (R)

John L. Schettino, Esq.

Commissioner (D)

Angela M. Malagiere

Commissioner (R)

Tomas J. Padilla

Commissioner (D)

Bergen County Board of Elections

One Bergen County Plaza • 3rd Floor, Rm 310 • Hackensack, NJ 07601-7076
Phone: 201-336-6230 • Fax: 201-336-6242